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Affiliate Marketing Simplified Course for Beginners COMPLETELY FREE. Enjoy & Learn Step By Step in this video.
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#workfromhome <br> <h3>Auto Generated Captions</h3>
now in this video we are going to give
you a brief overview of what affiliate
marketing really is now affiliate
marketing is a great way to earn a small
income online or create a business that
can make you a big fortune this business
model is one of the easiest ways to
start generating an income and build an
online business there is no or little
investment needed to start and you don’t
need to be an expert before you get
going this may sound too good to be true
but you really can run a business from a
laptop anywhere you have an internet
connection so affiliate marketing is a
business that has the ability to be
repeatable once you develop a system
that has given you results once you have
the pieces in place you will then
duplicate and reuse those promotions
over and over again by cloning your
promotions you have created a system
that you can use to make money anytime
you want so why isn’t everyone doing
this and becoming an affiliate marketer
the answer is simple most people don’t
understand what it is and even if they
do they think it is too hard and don’t
want to put the work in to create a
profitable system that’s right I said
there is work involved in creating the
system there is a misconception that
anyone can make money online with the
push of a button with no effort they are
not willing to invest in the tools and
the training to make themselves a
successful business now if you are
willing to put in the work and create
the system you will be successful this
is good because that leaves more buyers
and profits for you to make money from
you have taken the first step in
creating your online future by investing
in this training today so here is what
you are about to learn what affiliate
marketing is and exactly how it works
we’re going to explain the myth around
affiliate marketing so you can succeed
you’re going to learn to simplify your
affiliate marketing journey to create a
real business and why you should be
using a bonus page in your marketing now
remember don’t over complicate the whole
process grasp the basics and build up
you don’t need to create everything in a
single day it will take time and don’t
get frustrated
is there’s a lot of work involved so
create a solid plan and execute daily
tasks so what I want to do is I want to
leave you with a quote once you replace
negative thoughts with positive ones
you’ll start having positive results so
I’ll see you in the next video the first
question is to understand what affiliate
marketing is and why you should be doing
it so let’s start with the concept the
concept of affiliate marketing is simple
you are selling a product or service for
others be an affiliate marketer means
you are selling other people’s products
and services to your email list for a
commission yes you are doing the
marketing campaigns for other vendors
products to be sold to the public in
other words affiliate marketing gives
you the avenue to earn commissions
through promoting other peoples or other
companies products you can start by
choosing a product that you like promote
it in the most efficient way that you
can and make a sizable profit for your
efforts it’s as easy as pie right
through affiliate marketing you are able
to accomplish three things for three
different people first you are making
yourself feel good for earning a
commission second you’re helping a
company or other people to gain new
customers that they don’t already have
finally you are making a new satisfying
experience for your customers for
discovering a product from you that can
really be helpful and desirable let’s
make it clear
affiliate marketing doesn’t have to be
expensive or complicated in fact it can
be done quickly with a profitable
outcome without the need for a big email
list to drive traffic to the offer and
it doesn’t have to have a huge budget so
without having the need for those things
what should we have to make a profit
from affiliate marketing a sense of
creativity and a good work ethic will
take you a long way when you apply them
to the proper strategies remember that
you don’t have to create your own
product because someone else already did
since you are not the one creating the
product you also don’t need to invest
your own time and effort in creating the
product to sell and since it’s not your
product you don’t need to provide any
kind of support if you are already
committed to
in a few hours to learn the proper
strategies to stand out from the crowd
you can start promoting quality products
as an affiliate and start earning
commissions as soon as today
all you have to do is send traffic
through your affiliate link to the
product then just wait for the money to
roll in the next question is how are you
going to be paid out the next question
here is how are you going to be paid out
for sending all these new customers to
the product creator selling products for
other people means that you were earning
for yourself as well without all the
headaches of being a product vendor so
everyone who does affiliate marketing
needs to have an affiliate link where
all your payments and purchases are
tracked then you get paid with
commissions based on the number of sales
an affiliate network serves to work as
the middleman between affiliates and the
business affiliate programs an affiliate
network helps the website publishers or
the affiliates to look for affiliate
programs that are suitable for their
website or following and participate in
these programs for the purpose of
generating income outside of their
products so the main role of these
affiliate programs is to gain a larger
audience by allowing other websites
offering affiliate programs and do the
promotion to all other affiliates or
publishers participating within the
affiliate network affiliate networks
serve entrepreneurs in many ways such as
tracking technology reporting tools
processing of payments and connections
to more affiliates and publishers now
remember the concept of affiliate
marketing is simple you are selling a
product or service for another person
you don’t need to create a product or
provide support for it get your
affiliate link send traffic and get paid
that simple I’m going to leave you with
a final quote believe you can and you’re
halfway there I’ll see you in the next
video welcome to the video demystifying
affiliate marketing breaking down the
myth barriers there are many myths
flying around the affiliate marketing
space about how to be successful how
hard it is to be successful and what you
actually need to have a successful
affiliate marketing business in this
section we will break the myth barriers
and show you that you are only a few
steps away from breaking out of all the
mysteries and negativity and prove to
yourself that this is a viable home
business opportunity
the size of your email list is one of
the biggest misconceptions out there
people say you need a huge list to make
money with affiliate marketing and
that’s simply just not true the quality
of the list is more important than the
size just because you can mail a hundred
thousand subscribers does not mean that
you can make any sales having a list of
buyers is 100 times better than having a
list of subscribers that have only opted
in for your free report now those free
subscribers can and will make purchases
from you but someone that has already
purchased from you and you are already
starting to build trust with them will
make more purchases because you have
recommended it to them so the bigger the
email list with buyers will in turn
produce your higher commissions and
profits from your efforts to deliver
quality and value to them it’s not just
about delivering promotions to them all
the time but also giving them advice and
showing them results but sending
clickable links in every email is
important to have them view your
recommendations on a regular basis
emailing daily is a must to keep you and
your brand at the top of your
subscribers mind in inbox don’t let
yourself be forgotten if you’re not
emailing your list at least once a day
you are definitely leaving money on the
table when people first begin making a
new list and check how many subscribers
they have they tend to see an email list
with a huge number of subscribers as a
successful one well at some point it’s
important but not the sole measurement
of a successful affiliate email
marketing campaign in fact many
marketers worry and do their best to
maintain their overall number of
subscribers on their list
keeping subscribers is important but
it’s not the only stat to focus on there
are other metrics that you should
consider to determine how good your
email list is and how good your email
campaigns perform such as message open
rates click throughs on your links and
sales conversions now bonuses are
designed to persuade your potential
customer into buying a product through
your affiliate link and not from another
affiliate if the customer can get
something that adds value or the bonus
is more valuable than the product
selling price surely it will be
converted into improved convert
for you bonuses mean more value to the
original offer in fact most of the time
bonuses are usually worth more than what
the products are worth themselves yes
you are selling the same thing as other
affiliates servicing the same market
however by having bonuses that are truly
valuable customers would prefer your
offer everyone seems to be convinced
that this will be the case due to the
features and benefits offered by the
product having a well-written bonus
offer could make the promotion come
together a lot easier bonuses give a
greater incentive for the customer to
purchase through your affiliate link
bonuses are obviously designed and
implemented with the aim to increase
sales and they must be readily available
and accessible to all customers upon
completion of their purchase the concept
of using bonuses is easy to create and
implement and the result is both
rewarding and very profitable now here
are some ways for you to create bonuses
to start with by doing it yourself is
actually the easiest way to create a
bonus offer though a little bit of
effort is needed to prepare it just like
doing a little research for a special
report preparation saves you money you
don’t need to spend much in making a
bonus available to your customers when
you do it yourself another and easier
route is often used in affiliate
marketing is the use of private label
rights private label rights are products
where the content is already prepared
and you can actually buy its ownership
this is a good choice if you don’t have
your own content yet this would save
time and effort and you can use it as a
bonus right away you are given the
option to edit it if you want to make it
more unique and brand yourself in your
business what about creating a number of
different bonus items it’s actually
possible even if you don’t have enough
resources negotiating a joint venture
with other affiliates can be very
beneficial to both of you if you follow
this route this becomes a viable option
when affiliates in one joint venture at
individual bonus to create a great bonus
offering to your customers but of course
the return of investment from a joint
venture must be fairly distributed to
each affiliate
this strategy enables you to secure a
sale by giving the customers more than
what they have paid now remember it’s
not always about the size of your list
that will make you successful by
providing more value you will get more
response from your subscribers creating
more commissions in the end and I’ll
leave you with one final quote if you
absolutely can’t stay positive
don’t go negative just cruise neutral
for a while until you can get back up
I’ll see you in the next video welcome
to affiliate marketing simplified now
creativity creates promotions that will
stand out from the crowd creativity is
the act of making new and imaginative
ideas into reality we need to think of
new ideas to get an edge on other
affiliates and a good design promotions
will do just that a great bonus and
promotion are definitely good ideas a
lot of top marketers only email once or
twice during a product launch you want
to make sure that you mail for the
entire promotion so you can take over
the momentum of all your hard work to
promote the launch now promoting a
product launch for example if you are
promoting a launch you want to make sure
that you email your entire list for the
launch period because a lot of people
will only mail for a couple of days and
then move on to something else so you
can pick up on that traffic and back the
entire promotion and that would help you
show support and quality of the product
that you are promoting it’s like you’re
supporting a product 100% like it’s your
own product so there are things that we
use in affiliate marketing campaign we
use a specific email delivery schedule
designed to be sent in a certain way to
your subscribers it shows your support
for the product and increases scarcity
to influence subscribers to make their
purchase before it ends this method has
been used by top affiliate marketers and
is proven to increase affiliate sales
commissions even at the end of a launch
promotion which is the most of which for
most affiliates is the lowest point of
their promotion as we get through the
promotion we send more emails we get
more attention and it separates us from
everyone else if you continue to drive
traffic properly you can capitalize on
that because many others are not doing
so now it’s time to rinse and repeat
when you have a bonus page or a campaign
that converted extremely well for you
you want to keep the same format and you
just want to put more products into your
library of assets you can build
checklists keep your email campaigns
you’ve got email subject lines that you
can keep using over and over again you
don’t have to use what the vendor gives
you so just continue to clone your
successful campaigns start testing them
but keep these success and ones handy to
easily put things together and easily
put together good promotions and good
bonus pages how to select good
promotions it is very important to take
good promotions and create proper
campaigns that will generate sales for
you so selecting a proper product is
very important choose something from a
vendor that you trust try to be
selective of the vendors that you are
promoting for when you look in the
marketplace look through the history of
different vendors communicate with the
vendors and ask them questions ask them
for review access or bonuses that you
can use so if you do communicate with
them they will realize that you are not
just going to send bad traffic but
quality traffic now conversion rates and
EPCs or earnings per click is the best
way to determine how well the product is
performing currently or has performed in
the past now these metrics will help you
determine if the product is worth
spending the time to create a proper
promotion or not when looking at
products to promote inside jvzoo for
example these metrics are available
inside the affiliates section once you
are inside the affiliate search screen
you can look for products using
different criteria you can search by
category subcategory or you can even
search for a product in a certain niche
look for products on a specific topic or
search by product name you can also
search for the best selling products in
the marketplace using the Quick Links at
the top when you review the metrics to
if the product is worthy of your
promotion you want to review a few of
the following things the number of
coffees sold if this product is sold a
lot of copies that is a good sign that
this product has a proven sales funnel
and it’s in demand now conversion rates
you definitely want to choose a product
that has a good conversion rate this
will determine whether your subscribers
and visitors you sent to the sales page
will actually buy and generate
commissions for you now EP sees earnings
per click this is an average earnings
you will make for every click that you
sent to an affiliate offer now
commission rate this is how much
percentage of the sale you are make for
every sale that you generate for that
vendor and refund rate this stat is
often one of the most overlooked and can
be the determining factor whether the
product is of good quality if a product
has a good conversion rate and a high
refund rate that can indicate that the
product is not well liked by the
customers and the Commission’s you
earned will be taken back from you now
the deciding factor is going to be how
you feel about the product it is
important for you to care about what you
are promoting as an affiliate and that
you can get excited about the promotion
it is easier to sell something that you
genuinely believe in as a good high
quality product don’t just promote
something for the money that you can
make you need to stand behind the
product as if it’s your own if you are
promoting low quality questionable
products that’s how you will be received
by your audience now remember being
creative and having fun with your
promotions will go a long way to your
subscribers and show that you are real
and honest don’t be afraid to be picky
with what you promote to your tribe I’m
going to leave you with one last quote
it always seems impossible until it’s
done I’ll see you in the next video now
in this video we’re going to talk about
why you should be using a bonus page
promoting the same product by multiple
affiliates create a lot of competition
and is not special to the typical
customer and makes the customer want
more for what they pay for now the
reality today is that customers are
bonus shopping before they decide to
make their fine
purchase it is true that customers are
paying for the main product but no one
can afford to say no to a better offer
with an extra to come up with a really
captivating bonus offer you have to meet
a few standards it should be something
that would catch the attention of your
potential customers making it special
from the other bonus offers that are out
there now why you should be using a
bonus page first and foremost a bonus
should be relevant and must fit the
original product say for example if you
were selling a Photoshop tutorial and
the bonus must be something in line with
the original product since you are
targeting designers as your potential
customer the bonus should be something
that would help the designers such as a
design template a tool or any helpful
thing about designing is a relevant
bonus this would show the relevance of
your bonus to its main product making
the bonus itself useful to the main
product this is definitely a compelling
reason for people to purchase through
your affiliate link now in the internet
online marketing niche you really need
to make your bonus offer very special
and valuable for anyone a truly
irresistible bonus offer means a great
and interesting bargain in order to do
that you will need a bonus that could be
5 times more than the worth of the main
or original product that you are
promoting it’s usually the very valuable
bonuses that the customers are seeking
out among all the other affiliates
customers are looking for the best value
for their money they are spending to
develop their business the better your
bonus offer is the more sales you can
make by making your bonus offer unique
and valuable to help your customers the
more likely they are going to buy
through your link now lastly making your
bonus rare and making it hard to find in
any other places actually a great
advantage the reason is that an
exclusive bonus offer will contribute to
the original products value and making
it more desirable the simple idea is to
offer your customers something that they
can’t find with other affiliates in
other words be different to make your
bonuses in-demand and necessary if your
product would be just something very
then it would not naturally make a great
conversion tool now remember you are
adding value to your customers and
subscribers by having fun and being
unique you will stand out from the crowd
as many affiliates will be promoting the
same product as you I’m going to leave
you with a final quote your positive
action combined with positive thinking
results in your success I’ll see you in
the next video welcome to the video on
the bonus offer value and volume be
creative because creativity will make
you unique and make your bonus stand out
from the crowd especially if you’re
promoting a product that is just
launching there are different forms of
bonus offers you can choose for
different purposes depending on the kind
of business you are dealing with you
might want to use a bonus as an extra
product or service what about guiding or
providing supplementary knowledge to
help the original product users that I
think videos are what you need people
nowadays are more exposed with the
visual experience than printed or
written words in addition videos are
suited and very effective for
step-by-step learning processes and
tutorials videos can definitely add to
the value of your bonus since it helps
the users to understand the product or
service better and it is what they are
usually looking for if you want to make
your bonus more attractive considering
using software or tools to offer great
advantages as a bonus offer taking price
into consideration software or tools are
usually expensive well there are cheaper
ones of course but unfortunately these
are really difficult to find then when
you offer a free tool as a bonus your
subscribers would definitely take the
chance to make the purchase immediately
they are categorized as rare and rarely
equals exclusivity which makes it more
desirable to customers software and
tools are always needed by customers and
doing their work and an additional tool
for a content creation products is easy
to actually find a very irresistible
offer for example would it be a product
related to photography and the bonus
would be an editing tool which has a
very high value also it’s relevant to
the product making it more track
and desirable just like tools and
software templates as bonuses work well
for creative based products templates
can exist in many forms like a poster
template PowerPoint slide templates for
example for poster and design templates
you can include it as a bonus to a
product that is related to editing or
designing if the product was a tutorial
based product perhaps a designing tool
giving them a set of templates is a
great reward
done-for-you products are very valuable
after all we’re living in a technology
era where people value convenience in
other words tools that help things be
easier another bonus idea that you could
use is a set of ready-made templates
that is related to a presentation or
video recording let’s say you’re selling
an e-book that is a guide on how to make
powerful presentations providing them
presentation templates would be a great
big plus having this as a bonus will not
only help the users but also give them a
big push to create more content that
they can actually use some users have
problems with designing presentation
slides to those users the provision of
templates for presentation slides is
very beneficial when you are selling
something like this you want to make it
easy as you can for the users this will
make the bonus that you are offering
more enticing special reports can come
in many forms first it could be
conducting an interview with a
knowledgeable person to discuss about
the product or maybe something that is
relevant to the product for instance
there are some books to help someone
about something plus a transcript of an
interview as a bonus in the interview
the discussion is all about dating and
then naturally the interviewee will
share some expert insights and ideas
with regards to dating special reports
function as a teaser for the reader and
you don’t have to show the entire
picture in the special report this would
make the readers more interested and
curious that as a result they end up
purchasing the product as you know by
now exclusivity sells there’s nothing
more exclusive than access to exclusive
content within a members area and what
makes exclusive content
by having to have a membership to get
access to it some content of websites
are limited only to members to obtain a
membership they have to make a payment
giving the buyer of the product access
to this exclusive content is a sales
closing offer it’s giving them free
access to paid content now remember you
want to deliver value and volume with
all your bonuses don’t just add stuff to
make it seem like you are offering a lot
if your customer can’t use it to add to
their experience it is useless I’m going
to leave you with this last final quote
good better best never let it rest till
your good is better and your better is
best I’ll see you in the next video in
this video we are going to talk about
creating a killer bonus hook line &
sinker you want to create a theme and a
hook to entertain your audience you want
to create a theme and a hook for your
bonus offer and page you want to show
your visitors that you want them to
remember your offer and that you want to
work hard for their money you want to
make it fun use a video use a theme for
your promotion but you need to make it
fun and exciting so making your killer
bonus you want to have a fun theme that
everyone can relate to I’ve used
superhero themes in the past you want to
find something that resonates with the
people and they can grab their attention
create a good bonus
offer that’s going to deliver both value
and volume so when people get a lot of
stuff that’s useful and not just junk
you’ll have a great promotion so you
want to create a good bonus some of the
best bonuses are actually created later
after your promotion is actually
finished you can do coaching calls
one-on-one calls webinars or even
interviews all kinds of stuff like that
not only approximately 3 to 5 percent of
people that buy your bonus actually come
to claim those services but you want to
create a good bonus for people increase
the value put a lot of bonuses together
because like we said they’re going to be
going bonus shopping we have to make
sure that you have a good bonus that’s
going to fill the gap
and they will want to buy from you and
not buy from somebody else create
bonuses that are congruent to your offer
that you are promoting when you put
together your promotion
you have the crush campaigns that you
put together you can set up deals where
you can find promotional value with the
vendor so let’s talk about creating the
killer bonus creating unique bonuses is
critical to having an awesome bonus that
you can offer to your subscribers and
customers to get more sales out of your
affiliate promotions this can be very
scary and mind-blowing if you have never
created a product or something to
deliver to your subscribers before you
want to make sure that you deliver
quality and good content so we’re going
to cover how to create some unique
useful and awesome products to start
building your digital asset library you
want to create and build bonuses that
are congruent to the main product you’re
promoting meaning that you want to have
bonuses related to the main product
something that will help your
subscribers make more money with the
main product or make it easier for them
to use it faster the most important
thing about creating great bonuses is
making them useful not just stuff but
things people actually want and can use
by offering a lot of useful bonuses your
offer is more appealing to your
customers what are some bonus ideas you
are an expert on subject topics within
your niche you need the confidence to
put your knowledge onto digital paper if
you have ever written a book report in
school you can create a report or an
e-book that you can deliver that will be
completely unique because it’s your
original content you can always have
this outsourced as well if you choose to
speed up the process
people love training videos to teach
them what they want to know this is the
digital age and this is the format that
we all want to learn through by creating
short videos and presentations you can
use these as bonuses this will not only
create content for you it will also
build your brand that is equally
important most people these days are so
busy and on the go
audio recordings of your videos and
training are valuable because they can
easily be added to your subscribers
smartphone or any device that they use
to list
to music or audio they can now learn and
take advantage of your bonus as they go
through their busy schedules trying to
build an online business this is a bonus
that you do not have to deliver up front
and can be completed after a promotion
is over these coaching calls can be
delivered as a teleconference or webinar
you can be live on camera or use
presentation to deliver to your
subscribers create presentations related
to the product that you’re promoting
that will help them use the product
better and be more successful you can
also invite the product creator onto the
call to show your audience that you care
about them and are going to deliver
secrets about the product that they
can’t get from anyone else exclusive
interviews are awesome bonuses to
deliver to your subscribers and
customers these are extremely easy to do
and are high perceived value as a bonus
by asking product vendors for an
interview is a great way to deliver good
content about the product that you are
promoting to your audience these
interviews can be used to deliver
insider tips and tricks of both the
product to increase your conversion from
your bonus page to increase your sales
interviews can also be transcribed into
ebooks or audio recordings if you
interview the expert live using private
label rights is a great tool to use to
create bonuses but you need to do it the
right way when using PLR content to
create your bonuses you’ll need to
completely change the content to be
unique to you so what do I mean by that
peeler content is purchased by hundreds
or even thousands of people and you want
to make sure that your bonus is unique
so you want to change the content to be
your own and from your own voice
changing the graphics is the first step
in making your private label rights
content unique it is easy to have
graphics created for your new product
you can use sites like Fiverr or go onto
the warrior forum and have ebook covers
and graphics created very inexpensively
next you want to review the content and
make sure it is good quality and make
any updates or changes that you think
are necessary to reflect what you are
trying to deliver to your audience using
what you already have is the quickest
and easiest way to make unique bonuses
for your subscribers that they will love
if you have ever create a rapport
video an email series for a promotion
anything that you’ve created in the past
for your niche you can turn into another
product bonus for example if you have
recorded a video that has taught
something you can turn that into an
audio recording by extracting the audio
from the video for your people to go and
listen to your training you can have the
audio transcribed into a report or an
e-book for those that like to read you
can even bundle all the videos you’ve
created into a bigger package for a
bonus now remember don’t overthink the
creation of the bonuses that you’re
going to deliver that’s the easy part
many of these can be created and
delivered after the promotion ends keep
it fun and exciting for your tribe be
unag Noora believe you with a final
quote optimism is the faith that leads
to achievement nothing can be done
without hope or confidence I look
forward to seeing you in the next video
welcome to the video on your bonus page
anatomy it’s time to sell your bonus
your bonus page should be fun and looks
similar to the main offer of the product
you’re promoting maybe you can get a
mini site template from the vendor a lot
of product creators offer a bonus and a
bonus template together for their
affiliates you can always ask the vendor
and see if they have one and tell them
that you want to make a bonus page you
want to create a bonus that is fun
exciting and would look the same as the
front end offer now let’s talk about the
bonus page anatomy the headline of your
bonus page is the most important thing
on your page without a strong headline
your visitors will not stay on the page
and you will lose out on sales now just
under the headline you want to include a
countdown timer to show your visitors
when your bonus offer will be ending and
no longer available this is a great way
to increase the scarcity and urgency of
your amazing bonus to increase your
conversions all the bonuses that you
offer need to have great descriptions to
describe what they are and how they can
help the user treat this part as
copywriting these descriptions will
explain to the visitors what they are
going to get and how it’s going to help
them take time here and make sure you
don’t just fly by this
this is important to show that you took
time to create your offer for your
subscribers it fills up the page and
looks complete it’s not just thrown
together to grab their money your bonus
page should include a cool bonus video
that’s going to explain to your
customers the good things about your
bonus how it works how interesting it is
and how it fits with the product you’re
going to show them a review of the
product go through all the review
membership access go through the ebook
the videos whatever the product is tell
them what your bonus is all about
tell them how they’re going to do much
better with it tell them what the
product is missing and how your bonus
fills that gap that’s how your bonus
deals should work now remember your
bonus page needs to sell your bonus not
the affiliate product that you’re
promoting if they want your bonus they
will buy concentrate on getting the best
conversions for your bonus page now I’m
going to leave you with one last quote
it doesn’t matter how slowly you go as
long as you do not stop I’m going to see
you in the next video welcome to your
bonus page video share the excitement
the bonus page video is a key component
that is usually often missed by
affiliates when creating bonus offers
the bonus video is critical to having a
great bonus offer that is going to
resonate with your audience and build
the excitement you need to have a great
promotion you want to share your
excitement about the product and your
bonus and how your bonus can help them
start by making a video showing how
interesting and exciting your product is
and your bonuses are those little
bonuses really do make the vendor’s
product irresistible and showing
something that is special to be
purchased makes a very appealing
impression to generate interest and
excitement you should promote how
helpful your bonus is for many reasons a
product review would help you to improve
your conversions and have a chance to
gain more sales product reviews are so
good for your bonus offers but they are
not that easy as the ABCs
there are countless numbers of benefits
for you to gain from writing or
recording product reviews you can make
more affiliate sales quickly when you
the inside view to a potential customer
because they can see exactly what they
are buying by having a product review
you will establish more authority and
integrity because you show them exactly
what they will purchase not all
affiliates can get review access to the
products so you can provide more value
to them in addition you are more
knowledgeable of the product and you’ve
earned their confidence there are
several steps in creating a good product
review first is to get to know the
product to know the product better you
might use the product see the product or
even own it secondly be honest to earn
more affiliate sales of course you don’t
want to hurt somebody’s feelings but you
have to tell the truth about the product
don’t worry much if you write something
that made someone upset thirdly in
making reviews consider that people
would stop reading and think that they
have all the information already about
it make sure that all the important
information is seen first it’s highly
recommended to include the products
unique features that people will find
most useful and include an image of the
products if the product is delivered
through a members area try and get
access from the vendor so that you can
give a virtual tour to your subscribers
by walking them through all the
different sections of the members area
be sure to include the upgraded sections
this will help your conversions to not
only the front end sale but also the
upsells throughout the funnel because
they are seeing everything they are
getting when they upgrade they won’t
have to think about the one-time offers
as they appear they’ll already have made
up their minds to purchase the first
thing you should know about a good bonus
is that they are designed to add value
and make potential customers feel
comfortable about their purchase a bonus
should be something that increases the
value of a product and makes it more
appealing to the customer it has to
offer something good and helpful for
that reason they will decide to purchase
the product in addition a bonus should
be something feasible you have to make
sure that people are also convinced that
the great bonus you are offering is
existing or realistic in order to show
that your bonus fits the product it
should complement what you are promoting
yet there are so many people who use
bonuses that have nothing to do with the
main product itself because they think
that offering and giving away anything
and everything will add the perceived
value of their program say for example
if you were selling a Photoshop tutorial
video and the bonus of the product is a
digital audio workstation it wouldn’t
really work if the bonus of the product
were something that is really unrelated
and different it would be more likely
ignored a product that would be more
appropriate and suited for the given
example should be something that a
designer would desire since you are
targeting designers as your potential
customer the bonus should be something
that would help the designer for
instance a designing template tool and
any helpful thing about designing are
irrelevant bonuses this would show the
relevance of your bonus to its main
product making the bonus itself useful
to the main product this is definitely a
compelling reason for people to buy the
product through your affiliate link now
remember your bonus video is critical to
tying in your bonus to the main product
to increase your overall conversions
this is achieved by providing a bonus
that fits and supports the product and
is realistic in what you can deliver
most importantly make it exciting now
I’m going to leave you with this final
quote without leaps of imagination or
dreaming we lose the excitement of
possibilities dreaming after all is a
form of planning I’ll see you in the
next video welcome to how to create
killer bonuses killing them what value
it’s natural for buyers to desire to get
more for what they are paying for and
for their time and by using a bonus is
an easy way for you to provide them at
the same time the easiest way for you to
convert more sales is to offer everyone
a killer bonus regardless of your
nothing is more appealing than a sweet
bonus that will help them get closer to
their goals you should know the most
essential thing about offering a bonus
is that it’s all about value you’re not
aiming just to provide a bonus just to
simply allow people to get what they
actually your goal is to provide more
value to your audience
and give them a greater experience with
for several reasons the e-book is
something that really stands out today
as a bonus considering the increasing
number of people with their Erie ders
and their passion for reading they
prefer to do this anywhere they like
people on their desktop computers may
also enjoy a free ebook for pursuit of
learning or their interest of specific
things another creative idea in
marketing is giving the book away on
another website in order to increase
your own website traffic people will
click on the link to see and know more
about your free offer in addition you
can put your links or banners inside the
e-book to keep people reminded about
your bonus offer private label rights
are defined as a license where the owner
sells most or all the intellectual
property rights of their work the
license is used for different digital
products such as ebooks software’s
articles graphic templates and so much
more usually the price of a single unit
is lower in general than creating a
similar product from nothing the main
reason is the great number of buyers
buying the same kind of product however
if the number of competing marketers
uses the same content is reduced the
distribution of the private label rights
content would be limited as well private
label rights are products where the
content is already prepared and you can
actually buy its ownership this is a
good choice if you don’t have your own
content this would save you time and
effort and you can use it as your bonus
right away you are given the option to
edit it if you want to make revisions
using video as a bonus to create
additional value for your product is a
good method videos can definitely add to
the value of your product since it helps
the users understand the product better
and it is what they are usually looking
for videos could be a tutorial video
intended to guide or provide
supplementary knowledge to help the
products users customers are more
exposed and more comfortable with a
visual experience than printed or
written words in addition videos are
ideal and very effective for
step-by-step learning processes by
having the ability to create your
bonuses later is a big time-saver and
can make your bonuses completely
unique examples our group calls or
webinars teleconferences website
critiques or even traffic offers all
these types of bonuses can be repurposed
and used for other needs in your
business if you don’t know much about
the product you can try interviews
interviews has helped many people to
sell their products people can clearly
see the value in them people also
consider you as an expert as your name
appears together with other valuable
people in your niche you may try
conducting an interview with the product
owner of the product that you are
promoting ask them about commonly asked
questions regarding the product you may
also ask them things that are not part
of their product that would benefit your
customers consider how long the
interview is and what it is the content
you want to conduct it will help you to
decide of the right time and place to
offer them as a bonus you can do either
a short one question interview or long
3-hour interviews again you can
repurpose your interviews into a
transcript or ebook use graphics to make
your bonus better in addition you can
use graphics in your bonus depending on
the kind of bonus based on some studies
about 60% of people are visual learners
this makes visual tools like graphics
and designs effective in conveying your
messages in fact visual tools can even
direct and influence the process of
decision making of readers because more
than two-thirds of consumers regard
images to bring more weight than reviews
ratings and descriptions of products
graphics that are catchy and appealing
can help a person to visualize what it
is they’re getting and usually increase
the perceived value of the bonus in
other words graphics have their strong
visual impact that can affect other
important factors such as impressions
expectations and perception these
factors help to increase marketing value
and increase the number of sales in the
long run if you want to make your bonus
more attractive consider using software
or tools to offer great advantages to
your offer software and other tools are
usually expensive when you offer a free
tool as a bonus the users would
definitely take the chance to make their
purchase immediately
they’re categorized as rare and rarity
equals exclusivity which makes it more
desirable by the customers software and
tools are always needed and an
additional tool for content creation
products is easy to actually purchase a
very irresistible offer for example is a
product related to photography and the
bonus is an editing tool which would
have such a high value also it’s
relevant to the product making it more
attractive and desirable to the buyer
now remember it’s natural for people to
want to get more than what they are
paying for with the initial product by
providing us something as a bonus that
will help them achieve their goals will
satisfy that desire and convert more to
higher sales so I’ll leave you with a
final quote life is 10% of what happens
to you and 90% of how you react to it
I’ll see you in the next video welcome
to the video on bonus page graphics it’s
time to separate yourself from the pack
with your graphics now bonus page
graphics can make or break your
affiliate bonus offer having good high
quality graphics for anything that you
do online for your business is crucial
and having graphics for your bonus offer
is no different it sets the stage on how
your offer will be perceived by your
audience in order for marketers to
enhance the communication with others
and to represent ideas in an effective
and beautiful way when promoting
products graphic design is utilized to
improve the page aesthetics graphics
represent the business image in general
it is a strong and powerful tool to
promote a strong and quality brand in
fact it’s one of the easiest ways to
establish engagement and sense of
communication between the product
promotion and the consumers
therefore it serves as a creative
innovative and highly recommended
component to your business and marketing
the graphics are designed to correlate
with the product this is a very relevant
factor in studying how consumers decide
in purchasing a product the appearance
of a product is attributed to how it is
being designed and it also reflects how
the consumer thinks of the product
examining how graphic design and other
tools work would give us a way of
understanding how consumers perceive the
physical appearance of the product the
consumers perception on the physical
features affects how they distinguish
the appearance of a quality of a product
it is very important to know the
graphics play an integral role in the
decision making process all forms to
represent the brand should be visually
similar to establish trust and
confidence to make sure that the brand
is recognizable a much-needed
consistency in your brand can be
provided by quality made graphics by
creating graphics that look like the
product you are promoting and creating
titles for your bonuses that relate and
are similar to the main product gives
the consumer confidence that these
bonuses are not just things but they are
actually connected to the product to
help them now femen your graphics one
important reason to setting a theme is
to unify a set of design elements and
color system for your page this is to
give your page in appealing and
consistent appearance applying a certain
theme is also the quickest way to put up
interest to your page and make it more
professional to see a theme affects
various aspects comprising the pages
appearance first a theme uses a color
scheme or palette to set the color of
body text headings hyperlinks page
banner texts link bar labels table
borders and so on even the page
background you can use a normal or even
a vivid color set a theme also uses
graphics for some of the components of
the page such as the background picture
bullet points navigation buttons and so
on the active graphic set contains
animated page components like the hover
buttons instead of plain buttons on a
navigation bar a theme uses its own
fonts for the headings and body text as
well now let’s talk about images for
every bonus that you have on your page
images are so powerful that they can do
a lot of functions images can persuade
motivate and convey a message and other
incredible things when images are used
properly they can actually help you to
earn sales selling a product with
lamenting pitcher is already part of a
marketing strategy remember how some
pictures of foods added to a restaurant
menu can make you feel like buying that
food this simple strategy can actually
raise sales of a product by as much as
30% when it comes to selling your bonus
offer images are also applicable whether
you want to show your product or how
great your bonus is on the bonus page
consumers want to examine an image in
order to visualize the product if it
makes a good impression to the shopper
more likely you can make more sales
people depend on images to relay
information get more ideas and educate
themselves on things of their interest
same is true when using images in your
business images help people to have an
encounter with your product or service
rather than is reading written content
for information however we don’t just
add any kind of image to our product we
have to use high quality images photos
or illustrations that uplift and enhance
the product or that will surely make
people excited and motivated to learn
more furthermore we don’t just use
images to encourage people or to get
good impressions but also to build a
sense of credibility and to connect with
our prospects and customers effectively
potential buyers should see clearly the
details and great features of a product
you’re promoting to make them feel more
secured that you sell exactly what you
promised in addition when you use high
quality images that demonstrate the
product or service and the company
values you will you will also build a
good and trusted brand by using images
to your product your bonus you can make
your message more interesting especially
when people are more attentive to visual
than text in some cases you need a
visual to convince the prospects to buy
or you need both meanwhile some people
like to scan ads or website photos and
illustrations in order to quickly check
whether they want an offer or not
remember the images and graphics you use
send a message to your customer it will
tell them how much you support
believe in a product take the time to
get this part right would you buy
something from a poorly designed page
now I’m going to leave you with a final
quote our greatest glory is not in never
failing but in rising every time we fall
I’ll see you in the next video welcome
to how to deliver your bonus secrets to
more Commission’s don’t make your
customers wait to get access to your
bonus delivering your bonus to your
customer serves multiple purposes
immediate access shows you deliver what
you promised second you can use bonus
delivery to your advantage to create
more affiliate sales buyers will be very
excited to receive the special bonus
that they will receive and perhaps the
primary reason why they purchase through
your affiliate link aside from other
marketing strategies delivering your
bonus on time is the best way to earn
their trust and support in fact as much
as you want more customers and prospects
to come keeping the same buyers is even
better and giving them disappointment by
giving the promised bonus late would
certainly hurt your business and
reputation be extra careful and be
responsible you can use different
methods to delivering your bonus content
to your buyers and deliver them in a
timely manner you can do it manually
through email when a purchase of a
product is made make sure to ask them
for a receipt or any other proof of
payment for the purchase product and let
them send it to you via email then you
can deliver the bonus through email as
well the other way to do this is through
automation by using popular Marketplace
websites your customers can be directed
to a bonus page where the buyer can
claim their bonuses immediately though
it is more effort and a little bit more
expensive than going manually
you will need automation to make things
easier for you especially once you start
making thousands of sales using a
membership site to deliver your bonuses
is an underutilized method that can
create more affiliate sales after the
initial promotion because your bonuses
are hosted and delivered from one
location your customers will now be able
to see all your other affiliate bonuses
and potentially buy other products
through your affiliate links from what
in the bonus delivery membership site as
your affiliate business grows this is a
great way to be able to duplicate
successful promotions and delivery pages
you might be adventurous and try and win
affiliate contest product vendors
organize affiliate contest as a
competition where the one with the most
number of sales in a given time period
will win a prize these are used as
incentives by vendors to increase the
number of affiliates that support and
get on board during their product
launches in order to increase your sales
for the affiliate contest you can use a
scarcity factor as your sales technique
this technique creates a sense of
urgency for customers to purchase a
product through your affiliate link by
presenting as a limited or short period
of time offer a good strategy is to join
forces with other affiliates to create
super bonuses to increase your sales and
as a team you can win the affiliate
contest to put some extra cash in your
pockets you have extra value in your
bonuses because you’re leveraging each
other’s efforts
lastly being one of a kind is a
characteristic that your bonus offers
must have making the bonus rare or
making it hard to find in other places
is actually a great advantage the reason
is that an exclusive bonus offer will
contribute to the products value making
it more desirable a simple idea is to
offer the customer something that they
can’t find with other affiliates in
other words be different to make your
products in demand and necessary if your
product would be just something very
ordinary that it would not naturally
make a great sale if your product would
just be if your product would be just
something very ordinary that it would
not naturally make a great sale your
bonus offer is not only good for a
one-time promotion remember you have
spent a lot of time and effort in
formulating ideas and getting necessary
things done to come up with such a great
offer if you’re going to duplicate the
same great offer for another promotion
you will surely save time and energy for
not doing the same things over again
nevertheless you can use the same offer
with the same great results if you have
made it doable
with other promotions have you decided
what form of bonus you’re going to take
your next step is to learn how to
distribute your bonuses to your
customers this is the time you can do
your responsibility of fulfilling your
promises fulfilling the bonus before you
give access to your awesome bonus you
need to verify that the customer
actually purchased through your
affiliate link
although manually verifying transactions
seems to be a time-consuming task it is
important to ensure that you are not
giving access to those who did not
purchase through your affiliate link
this is not fair to those that actually
purchase through you have a customer
submit a support ticket requesting
access to your bonus have them submit
their purchase transaction information
so you can verify their purchase once
you have verified the transaction simply
create a username and password for the
user and send them the login details
through the support ticket that’s it now
remember deliver your bonus quickly to
your customers don’t make the mistake of
being slow here if you break their trust
you have lost them forever use this
opportunity to build the relationship
and increase your commissions now I’m
going to leave you with a final quote
the trouble is if you don’t risk
anything you are risk even more I’ll see
you in the next video congratulations on
going through all the training it’s now
time to put it all together now one of
the fastest ways to make money online is
to be an affiliate and promote others
people’s products now let’s make it
clear affiliate marketing doesn’t have
to be expensive and complicated
affiliate marketing strategies have a
simple concept you are selling a product
or service for others all you need to do
is make a sale therefore you can earn
money through commissions without having
your own product it is easy and simple
but you can make a profit by just making
your focus to sell a product as an
affiliate the process of affiliate
marketing comes in three ways first
start by choosing a product that you
like second promote it in the most
efficient way that you can and offer an
awesome bonus
lastly the best part is make a profit
out of it selling products for other
people means the
you are earning for yourself as well so
everyone who does business in affiliate
marketing needs to have an affiliate
link where all your payments and
purchases made are tracked then you get
paid with commissions based on the
number of sales now remember that in any
business how much you earn is based on
how much work you do
therefore do your best to create the
best marketing campaigns to make it
effective and productive so what is the
best way that we can offer to achieve
the best effective and productive
marketing campaign that’s why we
introduced the good things about having
a great bonus offer bonuses are designed
to convince the potential customer to
buy through your affiliate link and not
from someone else this is to get the
sale in the midst of all the competition
remember your goal is to convert
subscribers into buyers to get more
sales thing click you’re a customer
bonuses mean more value to the product
create a great bonus and great promotion
that will make a great edge and would
truly excel in the market is very
important for you to take a good
promotion and create a proper campaign
that will generate sales for you so
selecting the right product is very
important but everyone makes a bonus
offer right No most people are very lazy
and they don’t the easiest way for you
to convert subscribers into more sales
is to offer everyone a killer bonus
offer regardless of your method nothing
is more important than a peeling bonus
that will help them get closer to their
goals there are different ways to make a
killer bonus offer and we’ve discussed
them throughout this training we’ve
discussed how to create a good bonus
page Plus how to deliver the bonus
content effectively we have tackled all
the issues that might affect your goal
to becoming a great affiliate marketer
we’ve talked about your journey in
affiliate marketing and we’ve got you
ready to go to start your career as an
affiliate marketer thank you for being
with us best wishes and good luck