Clickbank Test with My Lead Gen Secret My #1 Recommendation To Make a Full-Time Income Online.
I tried to promote to My Lead Gen Secret leads the Clickbank University.
Normally i don’t promote clickbank offers anymore, i did it in the past, but i was curious about the results with my lead gen secret leads.
Clickbank University is a recurring offer regarding mentoring in make money online made by clickbank itself, so the prospect knows that he wil be billed again and again.
In the video there’s the result of this test.
To join my lead gen secret click here:
#clickbank offer <br> <h3>Auto Generated Captions</h3>
hi hi Yonny from making money cinemas
calm I’m just try I try to promote with
my legion secret at Clickbank University
Clickbank University is a program made
by clickin himself to teach how to make
money online using affiliate marketing
with Clickbank or as a random but most
using affiliate marketing what I tried
is promoting this Clickbank University
using my legion secret what is my legion
secret money Jessica T is a wonderful
program which gives you 100 leads per
day for only 30 pots every month
1-under leads per day coming from USA
primarily from USA 90% USA 99% I never
seen anyone and he leads coming from
other countries Wow they say that
neither and 99% from USA one of the
leads per day with only 30 bucks every
let’s interested in make money online
work from home etc one of the leads if
you promote my legion circus itself a
new have at least one subscriber under
you they give you show handle is better
so 200 it’s every take freshness that
you can download and import in your
responder use as a custom audience of
facebook or use my legion circuit itself
to send emails every day one email to
these let’s just show you I’m gonna
login in my religion seekers accountant
I’m testing it since the last month more
less and
I’m really surprised that it works
because in a first instance I thought
that it wasn’t so good because I think
that how it is possible to have only for
30 bucks 100 lists per day but it’s real
so just log in with my username and
pencil just to have a glance of what is
like okay this is the panel of my Lydia
stickers these are the maze arts and
enjoy this bouquet these are this 36
even if I don’t trust these statistics
because they are insanely high and I
think they don’t reflect their real
status is but these are my legs because
you can delude these legs okay every day
they give you one of the lids and you
can download these litsa and put in your
internal spawn okay these are mollys and
Sohan now we are 9,000 only is more less
nine thousand and four hundred something
like this okay and i don’t count these
but mmm you can hear 9000 it’s per day
so it’s like it’s like having nicer
solids so these are swipes these are the
swabs I bought because there is an
upsell these up so in Kosice of 30 means
why absurd that you can mail and these
are the main system these are the
malicious of what you can send email to
this leads every single day so the you
can okay nice okay these are my rates
and you can select select these leads
I’ll just show you that you can select
this lesson and have a less nice these
are perfect timing
you can also send a mail at the perfect
time they open more often they be males
so South Africa every day you can email
9000 let’s when you reach these nine
thousand days okay so this also these
are desert what really is my Legion
secret it’s a perfect system that you
can have to mail disease now I try to
promote Clickbank offers to these legs
in order to see that it if it works or
not okay because click but I don’t use
click link I
I have using in the past but I don’t use
it a lot these also the affiliates like
I said that they make sense they visit
Lee this dismay this system this email
see you sent so the system makes sense
so you can make services using manager
secrets because I’ve been paid okay just
try using only these leads
so there are people who have made a lot
of money using facebook see do but I try
to make only these leads in order to
check if it is real or not
ok so I used this main this system to
promote Clickbank offers so I try to
promote Clickbank itself and I’m going
to click back to show you that they they
sell I made using click run and
my legions six of it and maybe I will
promote I really other our other
treatment products to these my agency
secret emails cuz I tested that it works
alright does now I’m going to show you
just login that’s a bit slow cuz there’s
a lot of things these computer is going
to he’s doing now so this is my only
cell using my legion cities because Isis
as I said before I don’t use Clickbank
these since I never haven’t usually
people since mmm I mean years and I
tried only to test if it works okay just
going to see the reporting on a ghost 19
I promoted this this product so just to
see how many hopes I have as to show you
how my hopes a hat okay using only that
mail that promoted my legions from my
Regency using my legion circuits layers
in my transponder so nine hopes so night
clicks one of them make sales what meat
sale so just to see the Italian because
I am Telling
these this works okay this one I didn’t
put it because I only and I didn’t put
the track indeed because I only promote
it this time Clickbank product using my
lead and second okay coming from USA so
this is a real proof that my little
secret works
I study encourage you to click below in
the link make money send emails come
there is an opportunity to join my
Legion circuit I have swipes tools and
to these leads and also step-by-step
coaching and also the opportunity to
join my Legion secret group of secret
group of Facebook in order to share in
for sure strategies to promote my legion
secret and to best use these this listen
there’s also lessons about setting up
your own autoresponder easy
autoresponder down low to import leads I
use acting campaign that allows me to
import these leads and I have an
automation to scream this list the an
operator imbalance so I am very
satisfied by this partner so I strongly
encourage you to click below and sign up
to make money send emails come master
basic coaching and also the opportunity
to join my Legion together also I create
you to click subscribe and click the
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you to my new videos about my leading
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lifestyle which is ultimately the
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okay so go below click below go to make
money send email
come and enjoy the life bye