#HowtoMakeMoneyOnline How to drive Traffic: Underground Traffic Resources
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If you are a blogger, affiliate marketer or any online business owner, traffic is essential as this is the life-blood of any type of business you built on the internet.
The thing is that, you have seen many articles and videos teaching you the general ways how you can drive traffic to your website and the sad part is that, everybody is doing it.
Well the good is that, there are still some traffic generation techniques that usually been used and because of this reason you will not be mixed to the crowd.
In this video you will learn some of them.
#makemoneyonline <br> <h3>Auto Generated Captions</h3>
50 on red comm this is a traffic source
that most likely you will not have heard
of and what it is it’s basically a PPC
platform or pay-per-click platform and
you can buy different types of ads
whether they be in text ads search ads
or pop ads in this video I’m going to be
talking about in text ads mainly because
I know somebody that’s having success
using that on this site and in text ads
are basically well let’s just say 50
unread it has enormous network of
content so when advertisers such as a
self bid on a keyword whether it be one
word or phrase they would turn those
words into contextual links that go back
to the winning bidders site so for an
example let’s say you’ve been on the
keyword computers well with and let’s
say you win that bid so what 50 on red
would do is you know for all if there
was a blog on that network that had that
talked about computers or had the word
computers in that blog or article they
would turn that into a link and it would
link back to your site which would most
likely be about computers or you you’d
be selling on something on that site
related to computers now why is this a
good traffic source well people are
reading rather than seeing an ad so
they’re reading and so they would have
their guard down another reason this is
a good traffic source is that it’s cheap
it’s also laser targeted and you can
advertise almost anything and the key to
success with this traffic source is just
like any traffic campaign is to test and
start small and didn’t scale up
in this video I’m going to show you a
couple of websites where you can buy
banner advertisements and these places
are you know sites that not too many
people know about yet
now banner advertising is still an
effective way to get traffic as long as
you can get a high enough click-through
rate and pay a low enough cost per click
okay so the first site that I’m looking
at here is called buy sale ads and
basically they make buying banners a
breeze basically all you do is just pick
your category check the inventory and
choose a placement that works for you
okay this other site that I want to show
you is called Project wonderful and this
site though has a different system of
charging for ads you basically bid on ad
spots for the day as opposed to spots
for the month on buy sale ads now why
are these good traffic sources one
reason is they are cheap and the other
reason is that you can advertise almost
anything now the keys to success
you should get very visible placements
and use proven ads that look like they
belong on the site and you should also
match the demographics of the site by
looking at quad caste and seeing if you
can match an offer to those demographics
Green Point ads is a great traffic
source they have access to over 50
million daily visitors and they sell a
number of different kinds of traffic
they do pop-unders layer ads mobile
traffic and dating traffic you can check
out their site for more information on
that now why is this good traffic well
for one thing the the core demographic
that you’re reaching is one that cost
more through other advertising methods
okay this demographic is mostly male
they’re tech-savvy a lot of them are
a hundred thousand dollars a year a lot
of them all have smartphones they they
like to purchase online
frequently they like luxury brands they
like business opportunities and more so
basically this demographic is easy to
sell to as long as you sell the right
thing to them
okay another reason this is a great
traffic source is that is they are just
cheap comparatively compared to other
advertising sources if you want to reach
this demographic
another reason is great traffic source
is that it is unlimited inventory if you
find something that works so you can
just scale up and another reason this is
a good traffic source is that you can
advertise almost anything to this
demographic as long it is something that
they are interested in actually if you
go to let’s see the FAQ the FAQ section
here on their websites then just quickly
do that here you have one where it shows
what kind of traffic the screaming point
offer and in here it says advertisers
report that our traffic works best but
not exclusively with dating gambling
video gaming app software install
business opportunity awareness branding
iPhone iPad giveaways surveys and auto
offers once
traffic sources not too many people know
about is neo bucks calm that’s about any
OBO x.com
and this is actually paid to click
network meaning people are paid to click
on advertisements and on this site there
are thousands of members and the great
thing is you know that is that these
people are not paid to opt-in to your
landing page they only paid to click so
if someone does actually opt in to your
opt-in page you know that’s a pretty
good quality lead now you may think that
paid to click is not a good quality
traffic source but just keep in mind
they were people getting good results
from this somebody that I that I know of
was able to get over seven hundred leads
in one day and the cost came to about
only 39 cents per lead what type of
offers would do well on this site
generally make money or business
opportunity just because the people who
are using or clicking on these ads are
getting paid to click on these ads so
you already know that these people are
on this network to make money or they’re
interested in making money now here are
a few benefits of using neo bucks for
one thing it’s fairly easy to use the
traffic inventory is almost unlimited
and competition is not a factor and like
I said earlier you know this is a great
network to advertising if you’re in the
make money or business opportunity niche
you can get started for as low as ten
dollars advertising on this network and
the traffic is almost instantaneous as
soon as your payment clears it generally
takes about 24 hours to clear and after
that you get the traffic right away the
key to success on this network just like
any advertising or traffic campaign that
you use is the test to test small and
once you have something that works you
can scale up so basically if you can
afford it you can get probably get tens
of thousands of leads in one week at a
very low cost
early one traffic source and not too
many people know about is out bring what
they do is they allow you to put text
links to your content on some of the
biggest authority sites out there like
cnn.com but that is the restriction
though is that what your advertising has
to be a content such as a blog post
article or maybe even a video and here
I’m just gonna quickly show you an
example here I’m on the cnn.com website
and just looking an article here if you
go down to the bottom I’ll show you
where your ads will be placed or should
I say your text links right here and the
great thing about here is that it does
not look like an advertisement these
actually look like links to other
articles on the CNN website or articles
that are just recommend recommended by
CNN and down here there’s a link to out
print but let’s look at the what the
links are here it’s one says when you
use since daughter is sort of engaged to
her brother the next article says
terrible pics of famous singers before
fame credit cards explain where do
merchant fees go so let’s just click on
that and so basically this website is
paying Outbrain to have their links
advertised okay so let’s go back to
Outbrain and basically why is this good
traffic well for one thing it’s coming
from an authority site you know people
naturally have their guard down and they
think that the site there that they
trust like CNN for example is
recommending your article another reason
this is good traffic is that it’s cheap
you you’ve actually bid for your
advertisements and it is relatively
cheap considered or compared to other
PPC traffic sources okay
another reason this is great traffic
source is that the inventory is
unlimited so again if you if you start
small and you find something that works
you could scale up
and another reason this is a good
traffic source is that it’s basically
your your ads are being placed below a
piece of content so readers are already
in a reading mode so the time that they
would spend on your site is generally
longer than if they were to visit your
site from another PPC traffic source one
traffic source that not too many people
know about is plenty of fish and that’s
an actually the name of the website but
the URL is POF comm which stands for
plenty of fish and this is actually one
of the most popular free dating websites
out there and they serve billions of
impressions now why is this good traffic
well you can get super targeted dating
sites have as much data as you’ll find
anywhere for advertising and they’ll
Utah it will let you target almost
anybody ok another reason this is good
traffic source is that it is cheap you
can easily get clicks for five cents and
below and you can advertise almost
anything and this is a great place also
to find out who is interested in your
offer and if you want to advertise on
the site you just scroll down below and
just click on advertise here okay so the
key to success in advertising on this
site is to use extreme targeting and to
test a bunch of different groups obvious
to a really awesome service also known
as make money sending emails the name
pretty much says it all they have a free
step-by-step coaching guide of how to
make money using nothing but an email
list and also a laptop it’s some really
interesting stuff that is very useful as
well so definitely sure check out the
link in a video description down below
to find out